Law, representation, and violence
Michael Moxter, Law, representation, and violence. The significance of Cassirer’s philosophy for the legal sphere, Occasional Papers of the Swedish Ernst Cassirer Society, nr. 5 (2013) Modern secularized…
Michael Moxter, Law, representation, and violence. The significance of Cassirer’s philosophy for the legal sphere, Occasional Papers of the Swedish Ernst Cassirer Society, nr. 5 (2013) Modern secularized…
Sven-Eric Liedman, A universe of symbols – Ernst Cassirer in Göteborg and in the world, Occasional Papers of the Swedish Ernst Cassirer Society, nr. 4 (2008) Cassirer was increasingly…
Maria Johansen, Offentlig skrift om det hemliga. Raison d’état, SOU och varulven, Logos/Pathos #4 (Göteborg: Glänta, 2005). Hur kommer det sig att bevarandet av den politiska öppenheten tycks kräva alltmer sekretess…